The club shall be called New Ferry Rangers Football Club.
The objectives of the Club shall be to provide association football for its members, both male
and female, and such social and recreational pursuits deemed desirable by the Management
The club rules form a binding agreement between each member of the Club
The Club shall have the status of an Affiliated Member Club of The Football Association by
virtue of its affiliation to the Cheshire County Football Association. The Rules and Regulations
of The Football Association Limited, the Cheshire Football Association and any league or
Competition to which the Club is affiliated for the time being shall be deemed incorporated
into the Club Rules.
No alteration to the Rules shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting or at an
Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose and only if supported by a majority
of those eligible members present and voting at such meeting and subject to approval per
item (a) below
(a) No alteration to the Rules shall be effective without prior written approval by the Parent
The club shall also abide by The Football Association’s Child Protection Policies and
Procedures, Codes of Conduct and Equal Opportunities & Anti-Discrimination Policies and
comprehend these in its own individual policies. These policies are considered to be part of
the Club rules.
The members of the Club shall be those persons listed in the register of members (the
Membership Register), which shall be maintained by the Club Secretary. Club membership
shall consist of all players, Team Managers, Club Officers and persons co-opted onto
committees and sub-committees.
Any new player wishing to be a member must be registered via the appropriate team
Registration Form. Election to membership shall be at the sole discretion of the Club
Management Committee for those non-playing members. Membership shall become effective
upon an applicant(s) name being entered in the Membership Register.
In the event of a member’s resignation or expulsion, his or her name shall be removed from the
Each player registered to play in a team competing in a League shall pay an annual registration
fee to the Club. Fees are not refundable once paid.
A weekly subscription fee will cover the cost of Match day and training. These subscription
fees are not refundable once paid.
The parent or legal guardian of a registered player will have their membership run together as
If a member falls behind in paying their subscription fees, the Manager(s) has the right to
withdraw playing privileges for that member. This will be at the Manager(s) discretion and will
be judged on a case to case basis.
The Management Committee shall have the authority to levy further subscriptions from its
members as are reasonably necessary to fulfil the objectives of the Club.
A member shall cease to be a member of the Club if, and from the date on which, he/she gives
notice to the Management Committee of their resignation.
The Management Committee shall have the power to warn, suspend, expel or take such other
actions deemed appropriate against any other member of the Club deemed guilty of breach of
club rules or conduct prejudicial to the good name of the Club. There shall be no right of
A member who resigns or who is expelled shall not be entitled to claim any, or share any, of the
Club Property.
A member who resigns or who is expelled shall return to the Club any and all playing kit,
equipment or any such property of the Club within 10 days of the acceptance of their
resignation or notification of their expulsion.
The Officers of the Club shall consist of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Child Welfare Officer
and Cyber Officer, all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
The Club shall be run by the Club Management Committee, which shall consist of:
- The Officers of the Club
- Other members who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. These
members will normally be sought through the Team Managers and Parents of players who are
willing to contribute positively to the running of the club. - Other members who, subsequent to the Annual General Meeting, are co-opted
by the Management Committee for a fixed period to expire at the date of the following Annual
General Meeting
Each Club Officer and Management Committee Member shall hold office from the date of
appointment until the next Annual General Meeting unless otherwise resolved at an
Extraordinary General Meeting. One person may hold no more than two positions of Club
Officer at any one time.
The Management Committee shall be responsible for the management of all Club affairs
including assets / property of the Club. Decisions of the Management Committee shall be
decided by a simple majority of those in attendance at a Management meeting with the
Chairperson having the casting vote in event of a tie.
The Management Committee will oversee that the highest levels are reached and maintained
in the areas of Child Welfare, Guidance and Coaching, Financial Governance, Community
Meetings of the Management Committee shall be chaired by the Chairperson or in his/her
absence a nominated Club Officer.
Minutes of the Management Committee Meeting shall be logged by the Club Secretary and
distributed to the attendees. A record of all minutes of meetings will be kept for reference.
The quorum for the transaction of business of the Management Committee shall be five.
Any member of the Management Committee may call a meeting of the Management
Committee by giving no less than seven days’ notice to all Committee members.
The Management Committee shall normally meet monthly but will hold not less than eight
meetings a year.
An outgoing member of the Management Committee may be re-elected. Any vacancy on the
Management Committee arising between Annual General Meetings shall be filled by a
member, proposed by one and seconded by another of the remaining management Committee
members and approved by a simple majority of the Management Committee.
The Management Committee shall have the power to declare a seat vacant should a Member
be absent from three consecutive meetings without an explanation deemed to be satisfactory.
Save as provided for in the Rules and Regulations of The Football Association and the County
Association to which the Club is affiliated, The Management Committee shall have the power
to decide all questions and disputes arising in respect of any issue concerning the Club Rules.
The Management Committee shall have the authority to appoint members to those operational
roles it deems necessary to fulfil the Club’s objectives e.g. Press Officer, Schools Liaison
Officer, etc.
The Management Committee shall have the authority to appoint Sub-Committees as may from
time-to-time be deemed necessary.
The Management Committee shall have the authority to appoint Honorary Roles, those
members and former members who it deems to have contributed significantly to the Club and
or its development.
The Club Committee will consist of the Management Committee, Team managers and Team
The Club Committee will look to meet quarterly and these meetings shall be used to discuss
any issues that need raising with the Management Committee. It will also be used to vote on
any issues referred to them by the Management Committee.
The Annual General Meeting will take place no later than the end of July.
Management Committee members, parents, Club Managers and Coaches are all invited to
The meeting will be used to convey all business of the Club from the previous year.
Reports will be given by the Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Child Welfare Officer.
The meeting will also be used to elect persons for the positions of Chairperson, Secretary,
Treasurer, Child Welfare Officer, and Cyber Officer.
An agenda will be available on request prior to the AGM and this list will include those Officers
of the Club seeking re-election together with any other nominees for Management Committee
Any new nominations must be given in writing to The Secretary no later than two weeks prior
to the AGM. Nominees must be proposed and seconded by members of the Club.
Any proposals for the Agenda must be given in writing to the Secretary no late than two weeks
prior to the AGM.
Only those in attendance may vote on any issues raised in the meeting. Proxy voting is not
Voting will be on Election of Officers, New Rules for forthcoming season, Changes to the Club
Constitution and Any other Business.
An EGM can be called by the Management Committee to discuss issues arising during the
Any member of the Management Committee can call an EGM and the Secretary will advise all
other members of the Management Committee on a date no later than two weeks after receipt
of the request.
Only items used to call the EGM shall be discussed.
The club will play in League(s) appropriate for its teams and by doing so will affiliate to the
Cheshire Football Association. The Club will compete in Cup competitions organised by the
League(s) and Area Association.
The Club is mindful of the Constitution and Rules of the Area Association and League(s) that
its teams belong to, especially the rules pertaining to misconduct on/off the field of play.
Players, Parents, Managers, Coaches and Officers of the Club who receive a caution or sending
off are solely liable for any Administration Fees and Fines that may arise. These fines are set
by the Cheshire FA. The offending person must pay any fines incurred in full and by an agreed
date set by Cheshire FA. Failure to do so will result in further sanctioning by the Club
Management Committee.
All managers will not be able to train / coach any junior team unless they have completed a
CRB/DBS check.
It is the Manager’s sole responsibility to ensure all players are properly registered with the
The manager must adhere to and encourage all aspects of the FA Respect Campaign. This
must be thoroughly convened to his players and their parents.
All annual subscriptions, weekly match / training fees, sponsorships and expenditure must be
transparently recorded and be available for scrutiny by the Treasurer whenever requested.
The Manager has sole responsibility with the League they are playing in to record, on time, all
results, cancelled games and non-attendance of opposition in the allotted time scale. Any
fines received for not following the correct procedures will be met by the offending Manager /
The Management Committee will pay for any mutually beneficial training courses for the
Managers. No courses will be paid for by the Club before prior management Committee
It is the Managers responsibility to look after and maintain all of the Club’s equipment.
The Management Committee has the authority to appoint and remove Team Managers and
A bank account will be opened and maintained in the name of the Club by the Treasurer. The
Management Committee will ensure adequate controls and governance around receipt of
funds and the payments out of the account as defined by the finance policy.
All expenditure should be incurred according to the aims and objectives of the Club, any
expenditure that is not aligned will be approved by the Management Committee.
The Treasurer will support all managers in keeping their team(s) finances transparent and
above reproach.
The Club’s finances will be a standard item of Agenda at every monthly Management
Committee meeting. The Club’s accounts will be audited annually by an independent auditor
appointed by the Management Committee.
The Club will provide adequate insurance protection for all games including public liability. Any
Manager found using a pitch deemed unfit and thus exposing the Club to lack of cover will be
dealt with through the Disciplinary Procedure.
The Club acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of every child and young
person (under 18 years of age) in Club Football activity. The Club subscribes to the Football
Association’s child protection and best practice policy and procedures and have an appointed
Child Welfare Officer to oversee this.
It is the policy of the Club that any players will be eligible to train with the Club, regardless of
All players joining the Club must complete and sign a registration form which provides
emergency contact details and any medical condition which the parent /legal
guardiandeemsnecessarye.g.allergies, asthma.
The Club, in all its activities will not discriminate, or in any way treat anyone less favourably, on
grounds of gender, sexual orientation, marital status, race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour,
religion or belief, ability or disability. This means the Club will treat people fairly and with
respect, and that it will provide access and opportunities for all, The Club will not tolerate
harassment, bullying, abuse or victimisation of an individual.
The Club commits itself to the immediate investigation of any claims, when brought to its
attention, of discrimination and where such is found to be the case, a requirement that the
practice stop and sanctions imposed as appropriate. The Club’s complaint procedure will be
used in these circumstances.
All accidents (whether they involve injury or not) and incidents involving abuse from
supporters, parents or players must be documented to the Secretary or Child Welfare Officer
for logging and investigation.
The responsible person in charge of the team at the time of an incident / accident, which
results in an injury, must ensure that the player is given adequate first aid. The responsible
person or the Team Manager must notify the player’s parents (if not present) of the nature of
the Incident / Accident at the earliest opportunity. All incidents and accidents must be
reported within twenty four hours. The Manager or Secretary shall then keep in constant touch
with player’s parents to ascertain the wellbeing of the player.
Team Managers will log a kit / equipment list at the beginning of each season. When
requested, players must return the kit to the Manager at the end of the season. The club
colours are orange and black. All football kits must adhere to the Club’s guidelines, they must
be labelled with the New Ferry logo. Kits may have a sponsor name and / or logo. No individual
names can be printed on shirts. The Management committee must approve all purchases of
Football Kits to check that the guidelines are being followed.
Individuals and / or companies wishing to sponsor the club should contact the Secretary so as
they are kept informed of any significant events such as Cup Finals, Presentations Days, one
off functions etc. so they are invited along. All Managers in receipt of a sponsorship should
inform the Management Committee so as to keep track and acknowledgement of their
generosity given.
If any Club member feels that they have a grievance, or that the Club Policies, Rules or Codes
of Conduct have been broken, they should follow the procedures below:
Report the matter to the Club Secretary or another member of the Management Committee.
(1)The report should include details of what, when and where the occurrence took place.
(2)Any witness statement and names.
(3)Details of any former complaints made about the incident.
(4)A preference for a solution to the incident.
The Club’s Management Committee will sit for any hearings that are required, to facilitate
arbitration and conflict resolution. The Club’s Management Committee have the power to:
(1)Warn as to future conduct.
(2)Suspend from membership
(3)Remove from Membership any person fund to have broken the Club’s Policies or Code of
The Club will adopt and adhere to the FA Codes of Conduct for Managers, Coaches, Players,
Team Officials, Parents and Spectators. These codes are issued to all teams at the start of the
The disciplinary procedure is in place to ensure that members of the Club who persistently fail
to meet the agreed expectations are dealt with in a fair and open manner. In the case of
breaches of any Code of Conduct the following will apply:
PLAYER – The team manager will raise the issue with the player and give a warning. The Child
Welfare Officer will be informed of this warning. If no improvement, the manager will meet with
the Player and his / her parents / guardian regarding their behaviour. If the player’s behaviour
continues to be an issue, an interview will be set up with the player and his / her parents /
guardian and the Management Committee where an agreed sanction will be implemented,
which may include exclusion from the Club. If a player is sent off for violent conduct or
swearing, the Management Committee reserve the right to issue a further penalty than that
imposed by the Cheshire FA.
OFFICIALS / MANAGERS / COACHES – In the case of a Club Official, Manager or Coach
breaching the Code of Conduct, an interview will take place with the Management Committee,
who have the authority to revoke membership from the Club.
PARENTS / GUARDIANS / CARERS / SPECTATORS – In the case of a parent, guardian, carer or
spectator breaching the Code of Conduct, a meeting will take place with the Management
Committee, who have the authority to take appropriate action.
A resolution to dissolve the Club shall only be proposed at a General Meeting and shall be
carried by a majority of at least three-quarters of the members present.
The dissolution shall take effect from the date of the resolution and the members of the
Management Committee shall be responsible for the winding up of the assets and liabilities of
the Club.
Any surplus assets remaining after the discharge of debts and liabilities of the Club shall be
donated to a local community project or charity deemed suitable by the Management
Any surplus kit or equipment will be donated to another FA affiliated football club, local school
or youth club deemed suitable by the Management Committee.